Duffy’s thoughts on Weather

This one goes out to those of you kindly asked how Duffy was enjoying the recent snow (for which, as ever, thank you!). The short answer is: NOT ONE BIT, but at least it’s not as bad as <shudder> RAIN.

For those brief, sweet moments, when the snow is deep and crisp and even (and the ground is consequently unsoggy), she’ll just about manage - albeit with as little actual outside time as is caninely possible. She quickly tiptoes out into the garden, prima ballerina style, then runs at full pelt back into the house at the earliest opportunity (errmm… was that sufficiently delicately phrased? - Ed.), most insistent that this time she has really REALLY earned her post-garden treat.

But as soon as the snow has melted and rendered Outside soggy, a Duffy’s lot is, alas, Not A Happy One, as the photos below attest.


In entirely unrelated news, we have a swanky, hi-tech, waterproof, and toasty-warm coat, perfectly proportioned for a lurcher. Worn twice. Very resentfully. We don’t anticipate it being more welcome in the imminent predicted snow…


O tidings of comfort and toys


…in which a rescue lurcher’s woes are cruelly continued (…or so she’d have you believe).