What people have said of previous courses.
“Discovering you both as tutors has been so enlightening and I hope to attend your history courses for as long as we both keep going!
Would like to put in a shout out for a course on […] - but to be perfectly frank, you could put on a course based on the history of your weekly shopping list and I’d attend!
Many thanks for all you are doing to inspire your students.
“Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the course. It was fun, always good, and I learnt a lot. I have yet more places to add to my travel wish list.
It’s unusual to have erudition and humour combined on a course! Joanna - you made a great ‘front of house’; and Robert - you delivered a feast.
I look forward to “imperial Rome” with you both in the autumn.”
“Love all your courses, so informative and enjoyable. Thank goodness you are keeping them on line, otherwise we might have to move to York!”
“I always enjoyed History at school, but my chosen career dictated that I study science subjects and history had to go. It has been a great joy that in my retirement I have once more, through Robert’s lectures, reconnected with the subject.
I have been attending Robert’s history lectures for a number of years now. In these lectures I have been on a journey through English and European history from Magna Carta to the First World War. He has covered many other subjects besides. I attend merely for interest usually, but his specialist knowledge of Cistercian Monasticism proved to be a great help to me in my role as a tour guide at Fountains Abbey. I must admit to being less interested in art and culture, but I have attended some of these lecture series and his enthusiasm for his subject has fired my interest in these subjects too, so, hopefully, I am now a bit less of a Philistine.
His lectures are well researched, well planned, well illustrated and delivered with enthusiasm.
Eloquent, Erudite, Enthusiastic are three words to describe him.
I hope I am given a few more years yet to enjoy more of his lectures, be they at Wiggington or online.”
“I am currently doing the Art & Architecture 1550 -1650 course. It’s the first time I have encountered Robert’s classes and would like to say how much I have enjoyed them and how much I have learned. Thank you. I hope that they continue online after the end of our current restrictions so that I can continue to attend from Sheffield.”
“Dark Ages (11th February 2021): Fantastic delivery of the presentation, Robert. Fluent, factual, interesting, and entertaining. You held me enthralled with Justinian and Theodora - which is no mean feat for someone with the normal attention span of a gnat!”
“I am happy to give a testimonial for Robert Wright’s courses. I have attended many of them and find them well planned, informative and fully engaging. His online courses have lost none of his enthusiastic delivery we received during face to face tuition.”
“When we retired in 2015, a friend recommended Robert’s courses - and we were not disappointed. Even though we live in Leeds, we were happy to travel to York each week to enjoy Robert’s lectures - until lockdown. Thankfully, we can still enjoy the courses online. The lecture presentation is always excellent.”
“I have been attending Robert’s lectures for many years and that in itself is surely a testament to their quality.
He delivers lectures that have been meticulously prepared and in a manner that engages our interest and guarantees our enjoyment. No one has ever fallen asleep! All presentations are supported by excellent visual material and we have just completed our first successful venture with Zoom.
For anyone interested in enhancing their historical knowledge, this is highly recommended.”
“The Impressionists was my first on line course with Robert. It was excellent. Robert always gives a detailed and interesting account of the painters, the relationships between the painters and of the times in which they live, as well as discussing many of the paintings in detail. He is very knowledgeable and his delivery is lively and entertaining. I have now joined his Post Impressionism course and am finding it equally interesting”
“We first took a chance on a Robert Wright WEA course in 2018 and have now attended 6 courses and a couple of day-schools led by Robert; I could say, that says it all, but to elaborate…
Whether you arrive in the room (actual or virtual) with an almost empty briefcase of knowledge (like me) or, if you are already well-informed, like many of our fellow students, it matters not; with his enthusiasm for his subject, his genial personality, his witty and fluent presentation, his breadth of knowledge, Robert engages everyone. Whether you want to take notes and do follow-up research, or just want to sit back and enjoy watching the master at work, again, it matters not; Robert’s courses are a pleasure for all types of learners.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed Robert’s course on The Impressionists and I am looking forward to the next instalment with The Post Impressionists.
Zoom is not the same experience as attending a class in person, but for me it has been a life saver. I thank the Gods of Technology that we are able to make such good use of all these modern platforms. I’m a bit of a dinosaur myself but grateful that I have enough knowledge to press the right buttons at the right time.
None of this would be any use if it were not for the both of you setting everything up for our benefit. So, thank you very much.”
“I was engaged for the entire 2 hours of the lecture on Birth of Egyptology last week (the fourth in Thieves, Scholars, and Dilettanti). Robert’s delivery is fluid, factual, interesting and in parts lighthearted. A truly gifted presenter.”
“I have been enjoying Robert’s courses for several years. He has a huge talent for imparting information in the most easy and enjoyable way, usually with a great sense of humour.
His courses during Lockdown have stopped me entering a somewhat zombie like state!”
“Robert is wonderful. I’d happily listen to him reading the telephone directory”
* ^ This has actually been said to me, by several of Robert’s students! Sadly, it was in the early days, when I was getting to meet everyone for the first time, and I can’t for the life of me remember who it was (sorry!). Hopefully - with your help! - I’ll be able to replace this with contributed testimonials (anonymous or otherwise, as you prefer). …but if you’re reading this, remember saying it to me, and are happy to ‘claim’ it for inclusion here, do please let me know! JHW