On shiny things and Pickering offerings
As our 7-week courses have finished this week, the end of term is on the horizon!
I hate to mention the seasonal C-word while it’s still November, but it’s fair to say that our thoughts are heading that way earlier than usual this year.
As those of you who’ve been with us this term know, we chose to begin and end our autumn term a week earlier than usual, to give us more of a chance of having a little seasonal downtime as well as the necessary time to get all of next term’s courses up to Robertian Standard. Admittedly, back in May we had no idea that I’d be doing my current digital skills “bootcamp”, the fruits of which will be eating into my downtime - but it’s all for a good cause, so I’m not complaining!
And I’ve recently had a very lovely surprise, in the form of my stepfather treating my mother and me to a couple of days’ holiday in Málaga, so that we can have some quality time and enjoy the famous Málaga Christmas lights together - how lucky am I?!
Given that mum has done this term’s A History of Spain, we shall, of course, be discussing our new-found insights into Spanish history throughout our mini-break. Errr…OK… it’s more likely that we’ll just be having a good old catch-up - talking nineteen-to-the-dozen over a series of sherry + tapa pit-stops. Those of you who have met my mother on various courses may have noticed that we share a propensity for talking quite a lot, and will, I trust, be sending your thoughts and prayers to the citizens of Málaga, who are as yet ignorant of what is about to hit them! Even we shall no doubt be silenced by the wonderful Christmas lights, though- I’m very excited!
You may well, of course, be thinking “Poor Robert! What about him?!”. Don’t worry - he and Duffy will be happily ensconced in a fug of pottering, snoozing, and chowing down on their favourite foodstuffs (blissfully free of any comments along the lines of “But you can’t eat that every day!”).
Besides, he also has a fix of beautiful, shiny, glass-based beauty ahoy, in the form of our upcoming Art Nouveau Glass Masters Short & Sweet course (which starts on 2 December).
He’s been thoroughly enjoying getting that all polished up and sparkly (ahem), and having glimpsed what he’s up to on occasion, I can confirm that it is indeed going to be a treat.
Shameless? Moi??
<Cue the inevitable reminder…>
It’s not too late for you to join in with our foray into some of his favourite playing-with-light art!
In other news, for those who’ve not been with Robert for this term’s Pickering Viking adventures, I’m delighted to officially announce two Pickering offerings for next term, namely…
From Stone to Iron: Pre-historic cultures and the birth of Europe
Please note, O Denizens of Pickering.
Unfortunately, we cannot run in-venue courses at a financial loss. Needless to say, we remain optimistic, and very much hope that both will go ahead ( ! ), and that we don’t have to make the difficult decision to cancel either of them due to too few confirmed registrations. Three points arise from this:
First, please complete your registration with payment within 14 days of booking, as we need to confirm our provisional booking with the Memorial Hall asap, so that the Hall can use the room for something else if necessary.
Secondly, you are, of course, welcome to simply turn up with payment on the first session, but please contact us to check that the course is still going ahead beforehand.
Thirdly, should we have to cancel either course, we shall contact all those who have completed registrations to arrange a refund as soon as that decision has been made.
And whilst we’re talking in-venue courses, thank you to those of you who have let us know you would like us to schedule a course in York. I’m afraid we’ve not had enough response to make it feasible, but we continue to look out for further interest. Please rest assured that as soon as it’s even remotely possible to do this, we most certainly shall!
Finally, before I sign off for this time, we’ve a new Duffywatch post, for them as enjoy such things.
Well that’s our latest news from Wrightington Towers - we hope you all have a lovely weekend!