Happy Christmas from Wrightington Towers!


Us, about to enjoy a (Spanish) Christmas Eve feast

aka: illumination from C15 Book of Hours, this image via: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Livre_d%27heures_de_la_reine_Yolande,_Biblioth%C3%A8que_M%C3%A9jannes.jpg


Well this is embarrassingly close to the wire (but just in time - at point of posting at least!) - happy Christmas, one and all!

I had intended to do a less hasty Christmas greetings post - with a Spanish theme, in homage to our recently-completed suite of courses on things Hispanic and gleefully plundering photos and historical insights from my brief trip to visit mi madre in Malaga and see the famous Malaga Christmas lights. But the best laid schemes of mice, madres, and Joannas, and all that…. We did eventually see the lights (and they were glorious! See left for a wee taster), but unfortunately, I inadvertently smuggled an unexpected item in my homebound luggage, in the form of Covid. Consequently, I’ve been rather incapacitated since getting home, and poor Robert is but a few days behind me in his Covid “journey”.*

*[Not, alas, the gift I’d intended to bring him as consolation for not having had a Hispanic adventure. I did, however, also bring him a bottle of brandy which we know to be surprisingly good, despite bring obscenely cheap, so I’ve not been banished to the shed. Not least because I make a rather good hot toddy…]


I had always intended to include a couple of short videos in this year’s Christmas post, and this I can still do, Covid notwithstanding.

As some of you know, much of my time over the last few months has been devoted to trying to learn the dark arts of social media - specifically, Tiktok. It remains a work in progress, and the jury is still out as to whether this endeavour will yield what we need it to, but we keep on keeping on! We decided to make two of our Tiktok videos with you, O Denizens, in mind, so you can see the sort of thing we’re up to Over There, without having to sully yourselves by diving into the murky waters of Tiktok!

To set the scene…

…and now for our traditional Wright History website Nativity!

Alas, we can’t include the music the Tiktok version has for copyright reasons, but should you frequent That Place, you’ll find the full version here.

For those of you who were concerned as to how Robert and Duffy would cope in my absence… never fear! I’m happy to report that they survived (with an appropriate amount of pining, so that my feelings weren’t hurt!). Perhaps inevitably, we zoomed every night - and I was thus able to witness both Robert and Duffy being consoled with some disgusting snackage, the like of which does not usually enter my kitchen (while the Joanna’s away, etc….!).

It only remains to say thank you all for your continued support, encouragement, and company over the last year.

We hope you all have a wonderful festive season, and look forward to seeing those of you who are joining us on the Other Side.

Optimistic (but disappointingly thwarted) Duffy-snout just out of shot. But don’t worry - she has her own festive treat ahoy!



New March courses!


On shiny things and Pickering offerings