Next term’s WEA courses confirmed!
I’m delighted to be able to post preliminary details of Robert’s WEA courses for next term. They won’t be immediately available for booking with WEA – Robert is signing them off, literally as I post this! – but we wanted to give you advance notice asap.
More details, direct links to the relevant WEA pages (when available), and an updated Wright History calendar will follow in due course, but we wanted to get at least these bare bones to you now.
Mondays 19.15: The Venetian Empire (C3679187); 12/04/2021-28/06/2021
Tuesdays 11.45: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic (C3679188); 13/04/2021-22/06/2021
Tuesdays 19.15: The Impressionists (C3679189); 13/04/2021-22/06/2021
Wednesdays 14.15: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic (C3679190); 14/04/2021-23/06/2021
Fridays 11.45: The Venetian Empire (C3679191); 16/04/2021-25/06/2021
NB As is traditional, all the above courses will have a one-week break at half-term (w/c 31 May).
Finally, a bit of an experiment, in the form of an online taster session (on similar lines to the day schools of Olden Days) – 2 x 2 ¼ hour sessions, on consecutive Saturdays:
Saturdays 10.00-12.30: Pompeii and Herculaneum (C3679193); 17/04/2021 & 24/04/2021
Us, having just learnt that there will be no collisions of 9am & evening sessions.
(aka The Maastricht Hours (Detail: marginal painting of a friar with a musical instrument, and a woman dancing with upraised arms), Liège C14¼. London, British Library, Stowe 17, f. 38
Here from:
On a personal note, we’re both delighted (and most grateful) that WEA have kindly given us the slots we requested (a.k.a. no 9am slots!). As those of you who “perform” or have done so will know, it takes some time to come down and relax after a full-on “show”. Several of you have noted that you’ve not been fond of the last two terms’ early starts, and we very much hope that the larks amongst you who prefer the 9am kick-off will forgive us. Now that he’s doing two (& before long, three or possibly four) evening sessions, having longer for the caffeine to kick in will be very welcome Chez Wrightington!
Duffy, having just learnt that there will be no collisions of 9am & evening sessions (Duffies, we have discovered, don’t recognise the existence of more than one 9.00 in any given 24 hours, so morning sessions haven’t bothered her in the least).