Hot off the press…

Reliquary arm, French, C12½, 75:1949, St Louis Art Museum, St Louis, MI; here from, 06.11.21

Reliquary arm, French, C12½, 75:1949, St Louis Art Museum, St Louis, MI; here from, 06.11.21

I’ve just had notification that Robert’s WEA courses for next term are now available for booking.

For full course details and links to booking for both WEA and freelance courses, please see our Current Courses page by clicking this link. From here, you’ll be able to click on specific courses (you’ll need to scroll down past this term’s courses).

A note to those who have joined our mailing list this term. Last term (and indeed for some time before that!), many told us that navigating WEA’s website to book courses was somewhere between frustrating and impossible. To help on that front, I put together a ‘how-to’ guide, which I gather did the trick. If this might be useful for you, please click this link.

For convenience’s sake, voila a full list of Robert’s current schedule for April and beyond:

Mondays 19.15: The Venetian Empire (C3679187); 12/04/2021-28/06/2021

Tuesdays 11.45: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic (C3679188); 13/04/2021-22/06/2021

Tuesdays 19.15: The Impressionists (C3679189); 13/04/2021-22/06/2021

Wednesdays 14.15: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic (C3679190); 14/04/2021-23/06/2021

Thursdays 14.15: Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (RJW F202104); 15/04/21-27/05/21

Thursdays 14.15: A History of York (RJW F202105); 10/06/21-12/08/21

Fridays 11.45: The Venetian Empire (C3679191); 16/04/2021-25/06/2021

Saturdays 10.00-12.30: Pompeii and Herculaneum (C3679193); 17/04/2021 & 24/04/2021

NB I’ll add these dates to our calendar anon, but wanted to get these details out to you asap!


Bits and pieces (an occasional series): March 2021


Next term’s WEA courses confirmed!