Duffy: Centrefold star of sofa and national campaign!

The Dogs Trust mailshot

The Dogs Trust mailshot

Imagine our surprise when a friend (you know who you are – and thank you!) mailed to say that she’d been delighted to see that Duffy was featured in The Dogs Trust’s Christmas campaign!

We had no idea, and we’d not seen this photo before – her puppies were much bigger in the photos we’d been sent before we met her. MUCH bigger – and apparently they’re now bigger than she is (one shudders to think what happened on the streets of Carlisle…)!

A close-up!

A close-up!

The campaign cover, and here’s a link to the Trust: https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/

The campaign cover, and here’s a link to the Trust: https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/

As I said in our first Duffywatch post, every single person at The Dogs Trust with whom we’ve had contact has been above-and-beyond wonderful. We’re absolutely thrilled that Duffy might contribute, in however small a way, to the continuation of the Trust’s marvellous work.

Good things can come out of horrible circumstances. Can’t imagine why this feels especially pertinent just now…

Ho ho ho, etc…

Ho ho ho, etc…

I think that it goes without saying, but lest you should be wondering…

Duffy is indeed safe, well, and warm this Christmas, and we couldn’t be happier about that.


…in which a rescue lurcher’s woes are cruelly continued (…or so she’d have you believe).

