All artists belong to their time. It can’t be helped; it’s just a fact. Rembrandt is no exception. The painting effects he employed, the commissions he accepted, the themes which obsessed him - all mark him indelibly as a painter of the Dutch Golden Age. There were hundreds of them! So why is he different? And, let us be in no doubt: he is different. There are just a few artists - a very few - in any genre, for whom the old cliché “timeless” is truly correct. Rembrandt is one of them.
Let’s knock ourselves out trying to figure out why.
RJW F2317 Online freelance course (via Zoom)
A 5-hour short course, delivered via 2 x 2½-hour sessions on consecutive Thursdays (Thursday 28 September & Thursday 5 October, 2.00-4.30.
£40 (individual registration); £72 (for two people sharing one screen).