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A History of Spain

The court of the lions (detail), The Alhambra, Granada

The court of the lions (detail), The Alhambra, Granada, C14

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How many Spains are there? How many Spains have there been? From the first Phoenician and Greek contacts to the tortured twentieth century, the country we now know as Spain has been colonized by Romans, Visigoths, and Moors, fragmented into tiny kingdoms, and then united to be the core of a great empire. It has seen periods of dazzling ascendency, as well as stultifying decline. So many Spains!

This course will chart that history. Subjects will include al-Andalus, the Reconquista, the Golden Age, and the civil war.

And yes - you can expect the Spanish Inquisition!

RJW F2316 Online course (via Zoom)

10 weeks, Wednesday 20 September - Wednesday 29 November (incl., with half-term break on 1 Nov)

£110 (individual registration); £198 (for two people sharing one screen).

19 September

The Viking Age (online)

28 September
