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Monastic Yorkshire

Kirkstall Abbey - see

Kirkstall Abbey - see


Benedictines and Augustinians, Cistercians and Carthusians – they all settled and built their religious houses in Yorkshire. On this course we will follow the history of the monastic orders in our county, from the first Anglo-Saxon sites up to the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 16th century.

4 weeks, Wednesday 28 October - Wednesday 18 November (incl.)

Please note that this is a PLACE course, and can only be booked directly with PLACE. For further details and booking, please follow this link.

UPDATE: I’ve had an email asking for further advice on booking this course. In case others have similar questions, I’ve been given permission to post information here from the newsletter which is about to be posted on PLACE’s website. Cost: £10 for non-members; free for members (it may interest you to learn that PLACE membership is currently £5 p.a.!).

To book and/or to become a member, please send an email to Dr Margaret Atherden at Hope that helps!

1 October

Thieves, Scholars and Dilettanti: The birth of archaeology

2 November

Wine, Wool and Spices: Medieval Towns and Trade