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Dali and Miro


Salvador Dali, Archaeological Reminiscence of Millet's Angelus, c.1934

St Petersburg, FL (USA), The Dali Museum, 2000.5:


In the average dictionary of art, Dalí and Miró will both be listed as “Spanish Surrealist painter” and yet they and their work could not have been more different. Both were in fact Catalans (an important distinction!), and both adapted to the modernist revolution in art in an intensely personal way.

Dalí, the craven showman, exposed absolutely everything, in a quest to have his genius endlessly confirmed. And yet the absurdism and unashamed narcissism of his life and work in no way detract from a creative talent without parallel.

Miró is so much harder to pin down. powerful, witty (even sarcastic), his work thrills on so many levels. The bold colour and playful forms can produce a feeling of infantile delight. The subtext, however, is always sharp, and often anarchistic.

RJW F2320 Online freelance course (via Zoom)

A 5-hour short course, delivered via 2 x 2½-hour sessions on consecutive Thursdays (Thursday 19 & Thursday 26 October, 2.00-4.30.

£40 (individual registration); £72 (for two people sharing one screen).

10 October

Wicked Women

4 November

El Greco and Velasquez