Nappa Hall, Wensleydale, North YorkshireThis image: Peter McDermot/Nappa Hall,

Nappa Hall, Wensleydale, North Yorkshire

This image: Peter McDermot/Nappa Hall,

I’m pleased to announce that Robert has been invited to deliver another short evening course for PLACE, entitled Castles, Strongholds, and Fortified Manor Houses.

For those of you unfamiliar with PLACE, it’s an Education & Research Centre focussing primarily on the people, landscape and cultural environment of the historic county of Yorkshire (see here for more details). Robert has long enjoyed the support and encouragement of PLACE (on which, see here), and we’re delighted that last term’s online course - which was PLACE’s first zoom event - was sufficiently well-received to be able to offer another!

For further details of the course and how to book, please follow this link.


A quick survey


Bits and pieces (an occasional series): January 2021