As promised… our Autumn 2024 programme is now live!
Allow Team Wrightington to introduce you to history and culture…
aka Honoré Daumier, ‘Viens donc..., mon ami, je ne trouve pas ce tableau joli, from L'Exposition de 1859’, from Le Charivari, June 21, 1859
This image: New York, The Met, Rogers Fund, 1922, 22.61.194 at
Having covered the preliminary practicalities recently, I’m delighted to announce our programme for Autumn 2024.
As you all know by now, we’re ever-eager to respond to your requests and suggestions, and as Robert is doing the day-to-day prep and delivery of each term’s courses, he also regularly revisits our “wish-list” to shape up longer-term prospects. The stars have aligned particularly well this time - each and every offering has been explicitly requested by at least several of you. Your wish is our command!!
So without further ado, I call upon our trusty Fanfare Phalanx, as I present unto you, O Esteemed Denizens of Wright History…
First, Autumn’s ten-week “spine” courses:
At the Crossroads: A history of Eastern Europe
Next up, two five-week courses:
And finally, voila the first of Autumn’s Short & Sweet courses.*
*[As is traditional, we’ll announce more for later in the term further down the line.]
The Hittites: Lost empire of the ancient world
So there, as Robert is wont to say, we have it! We hope that you’re as excited about these as we are!
To see all courses now available, in calendar order, click here.