A Wright History alternative to Black Friday
I suspect that your inboxes - like mine - have been flooded with increasingly excited emails shouting at you about “THE BEST BLACK FRIDAY OFFERS EVER!!!”.
Well, it won’t surprise you to know that here at Wrightington Towers we don’t hold with such imported vulgarities, so don’t worry - this isn’t another one of those!*
*[Our twitchiness is not caused by vulgarity per se (as most of you will know. Ahem), but rather the hysterical vulgarity of an imported “holiday” orgy of consumerism]
Our preferred form of “holiday” vulgarity is far more… well… British, I suppose. Give us a cosy festive repeat of a classic televisual treat any day!
We’ve all got our favourites, haven’t we? A decades-old classic, which reminds us of happy times and traditions… a new special episode of a favourite series…
What could be more heart-warming than cosying up with a cup of tea/glass of red/nip of brandy [delete as applicable] to enjoy? Far more pleasant than fighting with a stranger for the last oversized television in the shop, non?
Thinking about this made us wonder whether a little experiment might be in order… Don’t worry - we’re not going to inflict our Father Christmas/Christmas fairy outfits upon you!
Instead, how does watching a Short & Sweet course from our archive sound…?
I’ve squirrelled away the recordings of four of our archived Short & Sweet courses, which are available to ‘buy’: Hadrian’s Wall, The Middle Country, Alexander the Great, and Gothic Art & Architecture.
Did you want to do one of these, but didn’t get round to it? Are you going to miss your ‘fix’ of Robertian pearls of wisdom during the whole four weeks during which we have no courses? Have you discovered an interest in one of these subjects since the course was available?
Well, here’s your chance, O Denizens!
Each course is now available for you to watch at your leisure - including a pause option so you can refill your tea/wine/brandy! - and for the purposes of this experiment, there is a flat fee of £34.
For those of you who have not yet used the catch-up recordings, they are edited (as per GDPR requirements), so the pre-session chat and Q&A elements are not included. These recordings contain just Robert, doing his stuff.
For details of each course available, click on the images (below) or the titles (above) for the original course descriptions.
To register for any of these, please follow this link: https://www.wrighthistory.uk/registration-form.
Finally, to round up this pre-Christmas post, a reminder that we’d love to be able to help you with your Christmas shopping list, courtesy of our Gift certificates. Why not share the Wright History love with your nearest and/or dearest?! To treat someone who deserves a treat, and to find out how our Gift certificates work, please head here: https://www.wrighthistory.uk/gift-certificates
Shameless? Moi?? Mais oui!
And just think - now that you’ve saved shopping time for the lucky recipients, you’ll have time to curl up with something from our archive!