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The Universal Exhibitions: Paris 1889 & 1900


Vue intérieure de l'exposition des produits alimentaires, 1889.

Paris: Capital of the 19th Century. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.


The second half of the nineteenth century witnessed a veritable boom in World’s Fairs and International Exhibitions. Of all the dozens of these attractions held around the world, two stand out as framing a thrilling decade in the world’s most stylish city: the Paris exhibitions of 1899 and 1900. We shall explore - coming face to face with the most beautiful works of art, world-changing inventions, as well as the gaudy, the over-decorated, and the downright bizarre!

RJW F212224 Online freelance course (via Zoom)

A 5-hour short course, delivered via 2 x 2½-hour sessions on consecutive Saturdays (Saturday 2 & Saturday 9 April, 10.30-1.00).

£40 (individual registration); £64 (for two people sharing one screen).

NB If you would prefer to pay by BACS or cheque, please register via this form (BACS details/snail-mail address will be sent by return).

5 March

Japan meets the West

20 April

Yorkshire Battles