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The Silk Road (Guppy’s)

  • Guppy's Enterprise Club 17 Nunnery Lane York, England, YO23 1AB UK (map)

Sogdian on a camel, Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-907)

Shanghai Museum.

Image here via Wikimedia Commons:


The Silk Road has existed in many forms since ancient times. It is the trade route through central Asia which links China with the Middle East, and, ultimately, the Mediterranean world. We will explore its development and its heyday in the 13th and 14th centuries. Highlights will include the architecture of Samarkand and Bukhara, and artistic treasures of Yuan Dynasty China.

RJW F222324

Registration: £45 per person

To register and pay by BACS or cheque, please complete this form. BACS details/snail-mail address will be sent by return.

NB This is a freelance course, and cannot be run as Robert’s in-venue courses have been in the past. If you have not registered beforehand and want to turn up and pay on the day, please be aware that the course will not run if there are not enough registrations to render it feasible. You are, of course, very welcome to decide to attend at the last minute, but do please be sure to contact us before making any plans or journeys, to check that it is indeed taking place as we hope that it will.

Should the course not attract sufficient interest to run, we’ll contact all who have registered, and full refunds will be issued. Thank you for your understanding as we seek to establish whether face-to-face Wright History courses in the York area are feasible!

18 January

The Mandate of Heaven: Ancient China

27 January

From Sport to Science: The Birth of Archaeology (Pickering)