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The Middle Country: 10th- to 14th-century China (Pickering)

  • Memorial Hall 34 Potter Hill Pickering, YO18 8AA (map)

Su Hanchen (attrib.), Children at Play in Winter, mid C12

Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk, 198 x 107 cm, National Palace Museum, Taipei

Image here:


Zhōngguó - The Middle Country… China's age-old description of itself.

This country has had many golden ages, many invasions, and many eras of warring states. Our focus is the period 960 – 1368. We begin in the world of the Song Dynasty - an age which saw the flourishing of technology, science, philosophy, mathematics, and engineering. Following this, the Mongol invasions saw a temporary destruction of the old order, but also the re-opening of trade routes to the wider world, bringing China into the first global system.

RJW F2435

Registration: £45 per person

NB As there are additional costs entailed in running this course, please complete your registration with payment within 14 days of booking. Payment is via BACS or cheque (details for which will be sent when we receive your booking).

Should the course not attract sufficient interest to run, we’ll contact all who have registered, and full refunds will be issued.

If you have not registered beforehand and want to turn up and pay on the day, please be aware that the course will not run if there are not enough registrations to render it feasible. You are, of course, very welcome to decide at the last minute, but do please be sure to contact us before making any plans or journeys, to check that it is indeed taking place.

4 November

The Art of China