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The Celts: History, art, and culture


Gundestrup Cauldron (detail), ca. 150 - 0 BC

Copenhagen, Nationalmuseet

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In the Iron Age a brilliant and distinctive culture spread across much of Europe. Emanating from the Austrian and Swiss Lakes regions, it eventually reached as far as Ireland and Spain in the west, and was even present in what is today Turkey in the east. 

This is what we now know as Celtic culture. But who were the Celts? Were they an invading people? A language group? Or a cultural elite?  

Difficult questions all! Today, we tend to associate the Celtic world with Europe’s remoter fringes, and yet before the expansion of the Roman Empire, it was at its very heart. What, then, happened to the Celts? Using both historical sources and the archaeological record, we will recreate what we can of that lost world, and marvel at the beauty of its art and the haunting power of its myths and legends.

RJW F2427 Online course (via Zoom)

5 weeks, Monday 23 September - Monday 21 October

£65 (individual registration); £117 (for two people sharing one screen).

7 September

The Borgias: Sex, power, and blood all over the place

24 September

Holy Roman Empire