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Medieval Art and Architecture (Mondays)

The Southwell Leaves (detail), Southwell Minster (C13)

The Southwell Leaves (detail), Southwell Minster (C13)

NB This course was quickly booked at full capacity. If you would like to register interest in a future Medieval Art and Architecture course, please email me.

We will explore the evolution of art and architecture throughout Europe and the Near East during the period AD 1000 – 1500. Important themes will include Romanesque architecture, the development of the Gothic styles, and the early Renaissance.

10 weeks, Monday 14 September - Monday 23 November (incl., with half-term break on 26 October)

Please note that this is a WEA course, and can only be booked directly with the WEA. For further details and booking, please follow this link.

3 June

Early Medieval Art and Architecture (Wednesdays)

18 September

Medieval Art and Architecture (Fridays)