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Cleopatra (taster course)

Theda Bara, Cleopatra (1917)Image here from:

Theda Bara, Cleopatra (1917)

Image here from:


Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt, and by far and away the most widely-known member of that family today.  The Ptolemies were originally from Macedon, descendants of one of Alexander the Great’s generals.  They ruled Egypt for almost three hundred years, importing the Greek language and Greek customs into their capital, Alexandria - perhaps the greatest city of the Hellenistic age.

By the time of Cleopatra, the rule of the Ptolemies was failing, the country riven by factional conflicts, and the royal family enfeebled by centuries of brother/sister marriages.  The wealth of Egypt had lured many would-be invaders over the years, but none had succeeded in conquering the land.  Then, in 48 BC, Julius Caesar arrived!

On this short course, we will recreate the Egypt of Cleopatra, and follow her life story through her love affair with Caesar, her dreams of creating a great empire in the east with Mark Antony, and her final days in Alexandria in 30 BC (Hissss!).

RJW F212206 Online freelance course (via Zoom)

A 5-hour “taster” course, delivered via 2 x 2½-hour sessions on consecutive Saturdays (28 August and 4 September).

£25 (individual registration); £38 (for two people on the same screen!). To register, please complete this form.

14 August

The Ottomans (taster course)

11 September

A brief introduction to the history of the Byzantine Empire (York Learning Week)