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Castles, Strongholds, and Fortified Manor Houses

Nappa Hall, Wensleydale, North YorkshireThis image: Peter McDermot/Nappa Hall, via

Nappa Hall, Wensleydale, North Yorkshire

This image: Peter McDermot/Nappa Hall, via


We northerners have a bit of a reputation for being rather ornery. Some of us bristle at that reputation; some of us revel in it and play up to it at every opportunity. Regardless, in historical terms, this reputation is not entirely unfair or unwarranted. The people of what we now think of as the North of England have long been a thorn in the side of successive would-be overlords over many generations.

Unsurprisingly, centuries of attack, rebellion, general marauding, and attempted subjugation have left their mark on both the landscape and the architectural material culture of the north in general and Yorkshire in particular. This course will explore carefully-selected examples of the many types of defensive structure – ancient to medieval – to be found in our region as a result of this centuries-old refusal to do what we’re told.

4 weeks, Wednesday 24 February - Wednesday 17 March (incl.)

Cost: £15

Please note that this is a PLACE course, and can only be booked directly with PLACE (details of which are here). To book, please send an email to Dr Margaret Atherden at

5 February

Wine, Wool and Spices: Medieval Towns and Trade (Fridays)

12 April

The Venetian Empire