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A brief hiccough with our online booking system, but DON’T PANIC!

Or: The booking elves are (temporarily) revolting!

…But there’s still no need to panic!

EDIT (13.09.22): All is now well - hurrah!! See here.

But for the sake of posterity (because I’m a good historian)…

It's come to my attention that there is a slight glitch with the third-party booking system on our website, which means that it is not accepting payment details.

I have been liaising with their technical support and am awaiting their confirmation that all is again running as it should be. I'll let you all know as soon as I've had that confirmation.

In the meantime, please note the following:

  • You can still book for any course. Until we're up and running with the online system again, please use our old registration form (for which click this link) or send me an email.

  • BACs and cheque payments are not affected, so if you’re happy to pay thus, let me know and I shall send out the relevant details by return. If you prefer to pay by credit card, I'll add you to the course and let you know when the system is up and running again.

  • Lest you should be wondering, please don't worry. The glitch does not entail any security breach, so all details on the system remain safe.

Sincere apologies for any inconvenience. The run-up to a new term is, of course, an especially bad time for this to happen, but we're doing all we can to get everything back to normal asap.

Perhaps I have not been as benevolent a mistress to the booking elves as I should have been. Whereas our elves’ strike will not have as meaningful an impact on society at large as other current movements, please rest assured, O Denizens, that negotiations with the elves’ representatives are progressing well, and I am optimistic that there will soon be a mutually pleasing outcome.

The bottom line is: if you want to book a course, please let me know and you'll be booked onto it. The practicalities of payment can follow as and when in due course!

EDIT (13.09.22): All is now well - hurrah!! See here.