Wright History

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Over to you!

Household bubbles communicating

aka border illumination by Jehan de Grise, from Romance of Alexander (1338-1344)

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 264, pt. I, fol. 186r: https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/8d17bc13-14b6-4a56-b3b5-d2e1a935c60d/

Words cannot adequately convey how utterly thrilled we both are that so many of you are engaging so generously and enthusiastically with what we’re trying to build with Wright History - in terms of not only Robert’s courses but also this website. Thank you all so much!!

This part of the website, though, is nothing to do with us. As far as this section is concerned, we’re off somewhere lovely, busily relaxing (OK. That’s almost certainly not true, but let’s all suspend our disbelief just for here, eh?).

You, sharing interesting recommendations in an appropriately socially-distanced manner [Alas I couldn’t find an authentic medieval manuscript illumination depicting you doing it on a computer - Ed.]

aka Illumination from Justin, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus (C15¾)

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. D’Orville 14, f. 001v: https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/0548b04f-ac41-451a-ae7f-f1dfca3f6094/

Last term, several of you responded positively when I wondered whether you might like a place in which you could flag up something which you have found interesting related (directly or otherwise) to a course, as others might also find it so. Off the top of my head, during various classes you’ve recommended TV dramas, films, art books, readable academic works, buildings, reviews, exhibitions, fiction, newspaper pieces, holiday destinations, radio plays, TV and radio documentaries, restaurants with a particular design… essentially: all sorts of wonderful things!

So voila! A space on our website in which you can, should you wish, share recommendations by posting a comment in the comments box below. …And perhaps even share your thoughts on others’ recommendations.

If it transpires that nobody’s interested in this sort of thing, it can quite happily disappear. But in case it is something any of you would like to do… over to you!!